What’s good my friends
Today I’m in a good mood because I’m going to spend the weekend in the mountains which means likely no work, which I wouldn’t say is that common for my weekends, considering all the time this Euro Engineer stuff takes.
If you feel pity for me and want to show some support, you know how to do it.
Euro Top Tech Jobs - Platform Updates
I’m also happy to share some cool updates from Euro Top Tech Jobs.
What’s new:
The site now looks just a little bit more reasonable with the brand name, terms of service etc.
I included the fully-remote high-paying companies’ list (27 companies now!! with pay range in the $100-500k) in the web UI. I think at this point the Google Sheet is useless, so I’m thinking of discontinuing it; please let me know if you want me to keep it.
I’ve added total comp estimates for almost all the jobs and locations.
About the latter:
These Comp Estimates are estimates, and they serve a practical purpose of quickly getting an idea of how much these jobs pay.
I tend to cluster companies with similar pay ranges, then find their comp per location from various sources and personal curation.
The long-term goal here is to have as precise estimates as possible. So, expect them to get better with time :)
Saving rates expansion to all locations will follow suit eventually.
For most countries in Europe, jobs in ETTJ now have total comp estimates. Some places in the Middle-East or Africa don’t yet (although some do).
How I decide what to work on:
Currently, I’m experimenting with having users decide what I should build.
I have a backlog that I create from my ideas and users’ request, then I go over what I think is worth being tackled sooner (based on how much time it requires and how much value it brings), then I ask paid subs to vote, and I work on what got the most votes.
That’s basically what I did this week:
I gave some cycles to investigating how to integrate AI onto the job board (longer-term effort), and then went on improving the comp data where I was able to make significant progress in a relatively short amount of time.
Next week I’ll probably spend some time again on the AI stuff, which I think can be leveraged in several aspects of the platform (including for example better seniority classification).
With regards to this, I’m also exploring what it takes to take data from users (i.e. their CV and job preferences) without getting legal risks (GDPR etc).
I don’t know much about this. If you do and can point me to some resources to learn more about it, please let me know! The simpler the better :)
Also, if you want me to look into something else entirely, let me know!
Other things that are high on my backlog—in addition to this AI stuff—are:
Extend saving rates to more jobs/locations
Add scrapers for the fully-remote companies such that you don’t have to go to their career’s site yourself but can directly check the jobs directly on ETTJ
This week’s gift
Speaking about high-paying fully-remote companies, here’s 3 of them for free:
Help Scout: TC estimate → $100-300k; Careers Page
HopSkipDrive: TC estimate → $100-300k; Careers Page
Customer.io: TC estimate → $150-300k; Careers Page
For the new subs (intro to the job board):
As you might know already, I run a job board containing top-paying dev jobs in Europe, weekly updated and sent to The European Engineer paid subscribers (5 eur/month or 50 eur/year).
Recently, I’ve also started creating a list of high-paying fully-remote job, shared in the job board: I’m adding 3 companies per week; started on 20/07/2024, and with this week’s update we’re at 27 companies with salaries in the $100k-$500k range for a fully-remote job.
I am now sending every subscribers (also the free ones) a weekly update regarding some insights and analytics based on this board.
If you want help in optimally preparing yourself to
Land interviews
Pass interviews and get jobs
Checkout my coaching program. New edition starting soon.
Also make sure to check out THIS GUIDE on how to build a top CV.